A new day, a new blog.

I am terrible with decision making. Particularly when it comes to more trivial matters.

Case-in-point: coming up with a blog name.

Similarly to how I struggle to name my own films, or at an earlier stage in my life, my twelve pet goldfish, I spent far too much time thinking about how to title this blog. This shouldn't be such a hard task, nor should it matter all that much as the title can be changed at any time. With that said, today I found myself under great mental strain trying to figure out the best title that was both relevant to the content I would be posting, as well as something that did not feel was completely cheesy, vulgar, or all around awful. The question that kept pounding away in my mind was: why couldn't I move past this initial literary guard post presented before me? When I am working on set or trying to figure out what food to order for delivery, I'm on top of it. However, this... this was a different beast altogether.

After taking a long, hard look into my soul (also known as staring and swearing at the blinking insertion point on my screen), I decided that the name of the blog didn't matter so much (and could be changed at any time). Really, I just wanted an outlet for writing the occasional film review, my annual experiences at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival), and other namby pamby.

With all that said, I figured that by incorporating both my name and a title of a film I quite enjoy into the title of my blog, I would end up with a satisfactory, if not entirely clever result. So far, satisfaction has been achieved.

In other news, as TIFF 2014 begins in a few days, I shall be writing capsule reviews for each film I see over the next week and a half.


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